Programs and Services
We believe people of all abilities should have meaningful work in their lives and opportunities for life skills. No matter the starting point, accomplishing goals and meeting expectations builds self-confidence and life satisfaction.
STEP offers a continuum of employment opportunities to meet individual interests and support needs. From a completely independent job to a more supported career option, STEP works with each person to find a match to meet employment goals.
We proudly offer and maintain our own transportation services to assure everyone has equal opportunity to attend the programs and work experiences.
It's not all work and no play at STEP, however. Our clients and staff take time to schedule fun events and special activities. Clients love to dress up, take outings, and just enjoy life.

Individualized Services
STEP recognizes the importance of individualized therapy. Each client joins our program with a unique set of interests, limitations, and abilities. STEP takes the time to understand each client as an individual. Service recommendations are then assigned to meet specific life and work goals.
Find out if our individualized services and program offerings are right for you or your loved ones.
Employment Opportunities
Our clients take pride in their work and in their accomplishments. And we do too! STEP facilitates business partnerships along with in-house work projects to meet a variety of skills and abilities.
- On-Site Employment
- Work Teams
- Commercial Experience

Activity and Senior Program
STEP's Activity and Senior Center is located in downtown Browerville, MN. It provides activities and support for those unable to participate in our work environments and an aging population of developmentally disabled people. Services offered at the Center include reminiscent and relaxation therapy, community outings, and transportation to other area events and programs.
Discover all the benefits and opportunities available with STEP's day services.
Transporation is a large part of empowering the people we serve. STEP provides dedicated transportation to and from client work sites and community events.
We are proud to offer this vital client service and to share our mission of serving, teaching and empowering people. Our clients enjoy being able to participate in the community and have a sense of independence. Our vehicles are beautifully identified with the STEP logo and sponsorship messages. If you see us around town, make sure to wave!
Want to be a sponsor? Please contact us!

Recycling Programs
STEP is actively committed to conserving our natural resources. Our work enclaves process aluminum, cardboard, and paper with Todd County. Our thrift stores accept used clothing and small housewares. STEP gladly accepts the following items: wax candles, denim jeans, cardboard toilet paper rolls, and art/craft materials.
Interested in donating something to our programs, just give us a call (320) 594-6423 and ask. We are happy to accept items if we are able to repurpose them.
Referral Application
People with disabilities who would like to join our program, or their representatives, are invited to contact us for information. Family members, social workers, group homes and other caring individuals may view the referral form linked here to see what details we'll need to plan the best services for each new client.